Greece, Athens

About the Hospital
EURODENTICA is synonymous to dental care without pain. Its certified and high quality services are provided by dentists who were specialized in the USA, Canada and Europe, and have contributed in making Eurodentica a leading dental clinic in Greece for many years.
EURODENTICA provides full dental health care to 7,000 patients per year, all year round. Services are offered seven days a week to children and adults as well as individuals with disabilities, in eight different dental specialties.
Eurodentica’s Specialized Dental Care was founded in 1991. The owners of the clinic are fourth generation dentists who started practicing in 1924. The Specialized Dentists of Eurodentica have treated more than 70,000 patients since 1991.
«Our services are recognized internationally, » Ass. Prof. Kouvelas said, explaining that since July 2014, Eurodentica has been certified by TEMOS (Trust, Effective, Medicine, Optimised Services) accreditation regarding quality, safety of services and patient protocols in accordance with international standards, «which now creates other possibilities for attracting dental tourism, but also for increasing confidence. »
Disable people as you already know are extremely difficult dental patients. Only 20% of United States dentists are willing to work with disabled patients. According to a survey in Europe, 7,4% of the population has a disability which makes them people who avoid their visit to the dentist.
Professor Nikolaos S. Kouvelas, a former President of International Association of Disability and Oral Health is not only sensitive to people with special needs, but also aware of the best and proper, high-level treatment required for them.
All of our dentists, periodontists, endodologists, posthodontists, oral surgeons and implantologists, have a great experience working with patients with special needs and are able to treat them under sedation.
The treatment of people with special needs is made possible with sedation, which is provided by an anesthesiologist. Patients who have a difficulty communicating, (people with mental retardation, autistic) are treated by our specialized dentists, like any other patient. The main part of their treatment takes place during a long appointment (4-5 hours). This is also done for other difficult cases of patients – phobic patients, those with a severe gag reflect, and generally, patients that cannot collaborate with a dentist.
We are more than pleased to be of any assistance treating people with special needs who are willing to travel from their countries to Greece.
Situated in the center of Athens and overlooking the Acropolis, it is one of the most modern dental-medical centers and one of the few specialized polyclinics in Greece and Europe.
Eurodentica is extended to over 500 m² on two floors, with eight fully equipped rooms and highly skilled staff who have been trained in the USA, Canada and Europe.
1) Aesthetic Dentistry
2) Maxillofacial Surgery
3) Endodontology
4) Paediatric Dentistry
5) Periodontology
6) Prosthetics / CAD-CAM (Robotic dentistry)
7) Dentistry for people with disabilities
8) Orthodontics
9) International Patients Department
Polpotomies For Childrens Primary Teeth
A pulpotomy is the removal of a portion of the pulp, including the diseased aspect, with the intent of maintaining the vitality of the remaining pulpal tissue by means of a therapeutic dressing. A healthy tooth has a space inside it called the "pulp space" which is filled with soft tissues - nerves, blood vessels, and pink connective tissue. When the carious process develops in a tooth, the bacteria associated can cause pulpal inflammation, which is often what causes toothache.
Kouvelas S. Nikolaos
Paediatric Dentistry
The department of Pedodentistry – Prevention at Eurodentica – Specialized Dental Care works exclusively with dental problems in children and adolescents until the age of 18 years old.
Program Includes
Polpotomies For Childrens Primary Teeth is a treatment of cutting the pulp of the crown and preserve the roots of the pulp under specific medicament. We use local anesthetic during the pulpotomy procedure. The treatment is adressed to patients with very damaged primary teeth.
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